Manufactured Homes

Manufactured homes are one of the most abundant forms of naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) options, particularly in rural areas. However, residents often pay three times as much on their utility bills than residents of traditional housing. Energy efficiency programs can often feel inaccessible because the already high energy costs are overwhelming—but the health and financial impacts of staying in an inefficient manufactured home, perhaps without proper HVAC, demands solutions.

Retrofitting a manufactured home requires specific strategies that utility program managers may not understand; our team of technical experts, building science specialists, and trainers help fill in gaps in understanding to design the right solutions for the needs of the people and the home they live in. We can help you implement the right solutions for your market and the barriers you've seen.

June 20, 2024

Reimagining HVAC in New Manufactured Housing

Slipstream partnered with the University of Central Florida–FSEC Energy Research Center, Northwest Energy Works, and Washington State University Energy Program to reimagine HVAC in new manufactured housing in order to improve energy efficiency, durability, and indoor air quality without significantly increasing costs.
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November 30, 2023

Simple duct and air leakage test for new manufactured homes

A simple protocol being developed by experienced field practitioners allows installers and inspectors to identify significant envelope and duct leakage issues so they can be fixed before they lead to occupant comfort complaints.
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July 26, 2022

Healthy, affordable housing for all: It's the right thing to do

The Principles of Environmental Justice (EJ) and the Jemez Principles of Democratic Organizing can guide us to build affordable housing solutions with impacted communities.
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March 17, 2022

Increasing energy efficiency in manufactured homes

Manufactured homeowners struggle to find equitable finance solutions and qualified contractors to make critical home repairs.
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March 17, 2022

Critical repairs for manufactured homes and single-family home rehabilitation: Slipstream to begin two new projects for Ramsey County, Minnesota

Slipstream's new projects will help suburban Ramsey County improve resiliency and invest in its residents.
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December 1, 2021

2020 Innovations: On-bill financing brings energy-efficient upgrades to rural homes

Scaling energy efficiency means making programs more equitable.
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October 29, 2021

Look out below: A story from the front lines of manufactured home weatherization

In February 2020, Bob Pfeiffer and I trained a new implementation subcontractor for a manufactured housing pilot with a major Midwestern utility.
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August 18, 2021

Read: Slipstream's Bob Pfeiffer on Retrofitting Manufactured Homes

Manufactured homes are a key part of our nation's housing stock—they often provide the best option for affordable housing, especially in rural areas. Keeping residents of manufactured homes comfortable is a goal of many weatherization programs.
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February 24, 2019

Manufactured homes – delivering powerful and personal impacts

Being a part of something that provides purpose and meaning in your everyday life is not something most people can say about their jobs. However, I am one of the lucky ones.
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