Increasing energy efficiency in manufactured homes
Slipstream is pleased to partner with Northcountry Cooperative Foundation to improve the energy efficiency of manufactured homes in resident-owned communities across the Metro, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest regions of Minnesota with funds from the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) Seed grants.
Slipstream will help provide manufactured homes expertise and capacity building, to help ensure home energy assessments in resident-owned communities are completed as well as support homeowner education on how households can improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce their energy costs.
Information gathered during this program will help develop a home rehabilitation loan program for manufactured homeowners in resident-owned communities to complete home energy efficiency upgrades. Often, manufactured homeowners struggle to find equitable finance solutions and qualified contractors to make critical home repairs. This project is the first important step to closing that equity gap.
See the full list of CERTs Grant recipients here.
Interested in learning more about our partnership? Contact Rachel Krogman.