Climate Resilience

Climate resilience refers to our ability to anticipate and respond to hazardous events, trends, or disturbances related to the changing environment, while working to prevent them from getting worse. In order to improve climate resilience, it's essential to  assess how we can be better prepared for current and future climate-related risks.

These impacts often disproportionately affect low-income communities, reinforcing the need for equitable planning and resource allocation.

March 3, 2021

Deep transformation together: inspiration from the Paris Climate Conference

The Renaissance façade of the Hotel de Ville glowed green through the pre-dawn dark. Light trapped by puddles in the street said Emerald City, not Paris. The cobblestones paving the wide, open space in front of this building has gathered the masses since the 13th century.
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March 3, 2021

Ten climate & equity expectations for the Biden/Harris administration

1. GLOBAL CLIMATE LEADERSHIP. Our recommitment to the Paris Climate Agreement signals that the United States will once again lead globally on climate issues.
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March 3, 2021

Don’t wait—harvest that corn now

1,000 acres of corn to harvest and get to market It’s not news anymore—nor even a topic of serious debate—that Earth’s surface air temperature is rising largely because of human activities since the industrial revolution.
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August 28, 2019

Climate Crisis Roundtable

 Earlier this year I joined Slipstream to help reduce carbon emissions and strengthen communities. Or, as I put it when I updated my LinkedIn profile, “More community. Less carbon. Great careers.” 
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June 13, 2019

High performance building consulting: a look back and forward

To serve the mission at Slipstream, our work sits at the crossroads between human health and wellbeing, energy efficiency and equity, and clean and reliable power.
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March 21, 2019

Future climate data for energy modeling — how could it benefit you?

Our research team is passionate about solutions that inspire responsible energy use and research that advances energy systems.
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February 4, 2019

Counting Change

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Think of something that is important to you. What did you pick? Our changing climate already impacts what’s important to you, whether that’s your child’s health, favorite vacation spot or your retirement portfolio.
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January 1, 2019

Climate data toolkit

We provide a set of future climate files for use within your energy modeling tools. Data is available for sixteen locations representing the major North American climate zones.
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