Green Bay gets greener with new clean energy plan
Last week the City of Green Bay officially adopted a new clean energy plan to transition to 100% clean energy and carbon neutrality by 2050. City staff—including partners from Green Bay Water Utility and Green Bay Metro Transit—will work with the Sustainability Commission to implement the plan over multiple years.
Slipstream was a partner in the development of the plan, with additional support from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College and UW-Green Bay. Funding for the plan came from a planning grant through the Office of Energy Innovation (OEI) at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission as well as Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi and city departments.
The plan includes interim targets for 2030 that will set the city on a path to its 2050 goals:
- Building efficiency and electrification: Over 85% of Green Bay’s emissions come from industrial, residential, and commercial buildings. The plan includes recommendations that aim to reduce emissions and save businesses and residents money.
- Clean electricity: The plan calls for an open dialogue with WPS to deliver more clean and renewable energy to the city and for improvements to existing processes to streamline adoption of solar panels for homes and businesses.
- Low-carbon transportation: The city will aim to reduce its total municipal fleet emissions by 15% by 2030, while encouraging residents to reduce their own emissions.
From there, Green Bay will work to embed sustainability in its operations through recommended strategies such as cultivating a greater urban tree canopy, advocating with other local governments for improved state policies, and educating residents and businesses with resources and energy initiatives.