Milwaukee Business Journal
Blog | September 17, 2019 by Connor Jansen and Kimberly Johnston and Kristin Haas

Slipstreamers share sustainability insights in Milwaukee Business Journal

The Milwaukee Business Journal published an article titled, “A Sustainable Surge: Popular support, technological advances and attractive financing propel energy-efficiency and the adaptive re-use of existing buildings.” Our very own Connor Jansen, senior product manager, and Kim Johnston, senior marketing manager, were featured in the article to provide insights on how to make buildings more sustainable, why it is important to do so, what resources are available to help mitigate costs, and what trends are coming for the future. More
Sam Simonotta home
Blog | September 6, 2019 by Kristin Haas

Employee caught in the Slipstream: Sam's journey to net-zero

At Slipstream, we have employees who want to walk the talk when it comes to energy efficiency. Sam Simonetta is one of those people. Sam considers himself fortunate to be able to live net-zero (NZ) in a home he and his wife, Christine, designed and built -- with a lot of help. As a kid, Sam dreamed of generating his own electricity from wind power, and in 2001 he and Christine decided it was time to make that happen. Their aspirations didn’t take shape overnight though. More
Dilli and Scott in 1980s
Blog | August 1, 2019 by Scott Pigg

Part II: Life lessons through Nepal's changing landscape

In the first installment of Scott Pigg’s story, he discussed Nepal’s changed landscape that he encountered thirty years after his original visit. Scott now confronts the difficult realizations, after visiting a long-time friend, regarding climate change and how our society impacts our carbon emissions. This is the rest of his story. More
News | July 30, 2019 by Chris Schultz-Buechner

Karen Weigert Joins USGBC Board

Karen Weigert, Slipstream’s vice president of business strategy and regional operations, joins the 2019 U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) board of directors. Karen fills one of four director seats open this year. The new board members were selected for their expertise in business and market development, organizational strategy and innovation, nonprofit governance, sustainability, and the built environment. More
Nepal footbridge
Blog | July 23, 2019 by Scott Pigg

Part I: Life lessons through Nepal's changing landscape

Scott Pigg, principal researcher, took a trip back to Nepal this year to visit a spot where he had some personal history. Upon visiting, he had some realizations about the stark differences between Nepal’s landscape thirty years ago and today. These harsh insights support the reasons why our team at Slipstream works so hard to make a clean energy future a reality. This is Scott’s story. More
Woman Celebrating during Sunset
Blog | July 11, 2019 by Alyssa Spiel

The value of volunteering: leadership, learning, and lifelong connections

As we all know, the way we consume information is constantly (and quickly) evolving—and marketers are challenged with keeping tabs on the latest trends and tools for social media, web design, email marketing, mobile apps, artificial intelligence, and more. At Slipstream, our goal is to stay on the cutting edge and blaze new trails in our journey to influence a clean energy future. Alyssa Spiel, Marketing Manager at Slipstream, took it upon herself to be a part of that cutting edge. Here’s her story. More
money; piggy bank
Blog | May 17, 2019 by Jeannette LeZaks

Can prepay energy programs save you money?

Imagine heading to the grocery store with your list of ingredients for your meals for the next month. Then, imagine not seeing prices listed for any items and not being charged for anything until the month is over. So, you have four weeks’ worth of groceries that you have consumed but no clue how much you spent on them. This is how our energy bills work. Electricity is one of the few things in life we pay for well after we use it. More
Saranya Gunasingh
News | May 16, 2019 by Chris Schultz-Buechner

Slipstream's Saranya Gunasingh Receives "40 Under 40" Award

We're excited to congratulate Saranya Gunasingh, who was recently named a recipient of Consulting-Specifying Engineer's 40 Under 40 Award! The program, now in its 12th year, recognizes 40 nonresidential building industry professionals age 40 and younger. More
purple prairie clover
Blog | May 2, 2019 by Melanie Lord

Restoring the original American landscape

Many of Slipstream’s employees take our mission to heart and live it out in their everyday lives. Melanie Lord, project manager, is someone who does just that. Her passion for restoring some of Wisconsin’s beautiful prairies to healthy ecosystems is a tangible extension of her work at Slipstream where we’re focused on reducing the environmental footprint of our energy use. This is her story. More
Guatemala, chidren
Blog | April 18, 2019 by Kevin Frost

Engineers without Borders - building a better world for others

Engineers Without Borders (EWB-USA) is an international nonprofit organization and, like Slipstream, is trying to advance initiatives that produce enduring economic and environmental benefits for all. Their mission is to build a better world through engineering projects that empower communities to meet their basic human needs. Slipstream’s Kevin Frost, project manager, has been involved in EWB for 12 years. This is his story. More