Increasing risk
Blog | August 23, 2018 by Steve Kihm

Increasing risk can reduce regret-- Implications for energy policy

On the path to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future, we will have to make decisions that have uncertain outcomes. In other words, they involve risk. Newer technologies might not work well—or they might work better than expected. Customers might not embrace home automation—or they might use it in ways we haven’t even imagined. More
Investor value creation
Blog | August 9, 2018 by Steve Kihm

Investor value creation, utility stock prices and clean energy policy

If regulators want to steer utility investment toward renewable, sustainable resources, and away from carbon-emitting types, they can apply basic investor value creation concepts when implementing policy. The key consideration is the size of the gap between two rates of return: (1) the profit rate utilities earn, and (2) the minimum threshold return that investors require. More
Blog | August 1, 2018 by Alyssa Spiel and Elizabeth Schroeder

Understanding Your Home's Systems

Humans have been building homes for thousands of years. However, until fairly recently, we didn’t have the knowledge or technology to understand their inner workings. A home is much more than a simple structure; when it doesn’t work properly, materials and energy are wasted, occupants can feel uncomfortable, and conditions can even be unsafe or unhealthy. More
Publication | June 13, 2018 by

Persistence of savings from retro-commissioning Measures: A field study of past ComEd retro-commissioning projects

Slipstream’s field study found that programs that add retro-commissioning (RCx) can recapture energy savings that are lost as buildings age. Our report outlines triggers to identify the most promising targets for RCx and the important role training can play. More
Publication | June 13, 2018 by Saranya Gunasingh and Joe Zhou and Scott Hackel

Persistence of Savings from Retro-Commissioning Measures

Commissioning and retro-commissioning (RCx) are critical in propelling building performance—but what happens once retro-commissioning is complete? Do the energy savings continue long after installation? And why do some buildings see long-lasting results, while others don't? We set off to answer these questions and more through a comprehensive study of the persistence of energy savings.  More
Publication | April 30, 2018 by

Small Embedded Data Centers in Wisconsin: A market characterization study

The characterization study was comprised of both primary and secondary research. We reviewed studies germane to this project, interviewed Focus on Energy program staff and a select group of IT equipment distributors, surveyed a sample of Wisconsin businesses and conducted a limited number of SEDC site visits. We used the results from the survey of Wisconsin businesses and data gleaned from our literature review to quantify the potential for energy savings from measures targeting SEDCs. More
News | April 15, 2018 by

Farewell to George Edgar

We recently said goodbye to George Edgar, who began his well-deserved retirement earlier this month. George was Slipstreams’s Executive Director from 1991 until 1999. Since then, he served as our Policy Director. More
News | March 1, 2018 by Kimberly Johnston

New Board of Directors Roles for Slipstream’s Robin Lisowski and Dan Streit

We’re excited to share that two Slipstream staff members have recently assumed new Board of Directors positions with local sustainability organizations Sustain Dane and Dane Buy Local. More
Publication | December 8, 2017 by

Taking a performance-based approach to building procurement: opportunities for owners, designers, and CIPs

We studied the viability of performance-based procurement (PBP) to achieve higher energy savings, without increasing capital cost to owners, through early owner involvement, goal setting and energy modeling. The study also examined the role that conservation improvement programs (CIPs) could play in supporting this approach. We tested the PBP method in six pilot projects and observed the outcomes. We supplemented our study with assessment of existing programs, interviews and analysis through the Sustainable Buildings 2030 program, and outreach to energy modeling professionals. More
Energy Efficiency Day
Blog | October 5, 2017 by Elizabeth Schroeder

Celebrate and Save!

Thursday, October 5 is America’s second annual Energy Efficiency Day! Energy Efficiency Day is a collaborative effort between businesses, utilities, government agencies, and individuals working to promote the benefits of energy efficiency. The 2016 event drew more than 175 official supporters. Want to help us grow this initiative even further this year? Read on for five easy ways to celebrate, get involved, and spread the word! More