Persistence of Savings from Retro-Commissioning Measures

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Commissioning and retro-commissioning (RCx) are critical in propelling building performance—but what happens once retro-commissioning is complete? Do the energy savings continue long after installation? And why do some buildings see long-lasting results, while others don't? We set off to answer these questions and more through a comprehensive study of the persistence of energy savings. 

Our award-winning field study identifies factors that impact the persistence of RCx measures, including staff turnover and significant system retrofits. The research also outlines ways in which persistence can be significantly increased, leading to higher energy savings, improved comfort and indoor air quality, and long-term monetary benefits for building owners. 

When a building performs at its best, everyone reaps the benefits. We're excited to continue advancing the understanding of energy systems in buildings and driving us toward a more sustainable future.