Publication | February 1, 2021 by

Integrated Controls Implementation Guide

This guide provides information on successfully integrating networked lighting controls with HVAC and plug load controls in commercial and institutional buildings. This guide is intended for facilities managers, lighting designers, electrical and mechanical engineers, contractors, controls technicians, and commissioning agents. More
An illustration of the benefits we see in the Wisconsin Climate Task Force's proposals
Blog | December 30, 2020 by Robin Lisowski

Three climate solutions from the Wisconsin Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change Report that excite us

The Wisconsin Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change recently released an expansive new plan to address this crisis. Here are the three of the steps we think can make a vital impact. More
Exterior view of the Slipstream Headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin
News | December 1, 2020 by Scott Schuetter

Slipstream's Madison HQ named a 2020 Dane County Climate Champion

The Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change has crowned Slipstream's Madison headquarters as a 2020 Climate Champion, honoring our efforts to transform our workplace into a model of energy efficiency. More
Publication | October 30, 2020 by

Market Potential for Saving Energy and Carbon Emissions with Load Shifting Measures

Our study found that the right application of load shifting measures could save up to 34% in costs and up to 19% in emissions—putting us closer on the path toward a clean energy future. More
Publication | September 4, 2020 by Scott Pigg

Minnesota Commercial Energy Baseline and Market Characterization Study: Characteristics, Energy Code Compliance, and Beyond-Code Opportunities

This report examines the characteristics and energy savings opportunities associated with new and majorly renovated commercial properties in Minnesota. More
Publication | August 21, 2020 by

Energy Savings Opportunities in New and Renovated Minnesota Homes: Characteristics, Energy & Code and Beyond-Prescriptive-Code Opportunities

This report examines the characteristics and energy savings opportunities associated with new and renovated homes in Minnesota that are subject to residential energy code. More
News | August 14, 2020 by Joe Zhou

U.S. General Services Administration chooses Slipstream to test innovative grid-interactive efficient building solutions

We are honored to be a part of two grid-interactive efficient building (GEB) solutions to be tested in U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) facilities. The pilot projects will determine how well these GEB solutions improve building energy efficiency. They will also test the ability to control the building energy system for load shedding and load shifting in order to reduce building peak demand and demand charges. More
News | August 11, 2020 by Marge Anderson

Rising sustainability star, Charles Hua, joins Slipstream board

Slipstream announced today that Charles Hua joined its board. Hua is an undergraduate at Harvard University studying statistics and mathematics with a minor in energy and environment. He joins Slipstream as the youngest member in the board’s history. More
News | August 10, 2020 by Melanie Cannon

Suzanne Harmelink re-elected to the Building Performance Association board of directors

Congratulations to Suzanne Harmelink on her re-election to the Building Performance Association board of directors. Suzanne is one of 17 board members which also includes representatives from organizations dedicated to advancing the home and building performance industry.  More
News | July 30, 2020 by Chris Schultz-Buechner

Slipstream earns its third ENERGY STAR® Market Leader Award

Slipstream was recently awarded the ENERGY STAR® Market Leader Award for its contribution of 53 ENERGY STAR certified homes throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota.  More