Midwest 120V Heat Pump Water Heater Field Study

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Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWHs) are a promising technology for decarbonizing residential water heating. However, traditional HPWHs require a dedicated 240V circuit, reducing their cost-effectiveness as an electrification solution if major electrical upgrades are necessary. To address this, manufacturers released 120V HPWH models that plug into a standard wall outlet. These units avoid electrical upgrades, but heat water more slowly.

On behalf of our partners including Focus on Energy, ComEd, Consumers Energy, and Xcel Energy, Slipstream conducted a year-long field study of 120V HPWHs at 27 sites across the Midwest to investigate their performance, develop guidelines for site selection and installation practices, and compile best practices for potential incentive programs.

On behalf of our partners including Focus on Energy, ComEd, Consumers Energy, and Xcel Energy, Slipstream conducted a year-long field study of 120V HPWHs at 27 sites across the Midwest to investigate their performance, develop guidelines for site selection and installation practices, and compile best practices for potential incentive programs.

Read our summary of the field study—including a guide to Installation Recommendations.