Joe Zhou
Dr. Xiaohui “Joe” Zhou is a Director of Research and Innovation at Slipstream with more than 25 years of experience in commercial building energy efficiency with focuses on building controls, smart buildings, grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEB), as an engineer, researcher, and project/program/facility manager.
Joe is a member of ASHRAE and actively involved in the local ASHRAE chapter as well as in the ASHRAE Technical Committee TC 1.4 Control Theory and Applications and TC 7.5 Smart Building Systems. He is a voting member of ASHRAE Standing Guideline Project Committee SGPC 36, High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems.
Dr. Zhou holds a B.S. (Zhejiang University) and M.S. (University of Connecticut) degrees in Electrical Engineering, and a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (Iowa State University.) His past working experiences include application engineer at Johnson Controls and researcher & energy efficiency program manager at Iowa Energy Center.