ASHRAE actual performance of 90.1-2010 building
How can future versions of the ASHRAE 90.1 energy standard drive more energy cost savings?
No studies have been conducted that determine the energy cost savings for buildings that comply with ASHRAE’s standard 90.1-2010 vs. the 2004 version based on utility bill data and building surveys. Slipstream will address this gap by documenting the energy performance of two building types. Then we’ll explore how to improve future versions of the standard to drive energy cost savings.
ASHRAE will use our findings in future energy standards. ASHRAE standards empower professionals to design, build, and operate energy-efficient facilities that deliver optimal indoor environmental quality.
Slipstream will record and analyze the monthly energy use of secondary schools and offices in each of 14 ASHRAE climate subzones as part of our study.
Stay tuned to learn our methodology, results, and recommendations when the final report is available in 2021.