Energy Efficiency is (Only) Part of the Solution

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Regulatory requirements drive energy programs to focus exclusively on achieving energy savings targets. Consequently, programs may ignore related community issues and deprioritize non-energy impacts. Individuals and communities may experience non-energy challenges as greater threats to wellbeing relative to high energy costs. For overburdened communities, this mismatch compromises the relevance of energy efficiency (EE) programs. This paper highlights programs that support community priorities while also meeting energy savings targets. We show how energy programs can offer holistic solutions that save energy while equitably providing quality of life benefits. Case studies show two different program approaches to addressing diverse community challenges.

Presented at the ACEEE 2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings


  • Dan Streit, Slipstream
  • Candis Mary-Dauphin, StopWaste
  • Bryan van Stippen, Indian Land Tenure Foundation
  • Jeannette LeZaks, Slipstream