Slipstream continues to deliver expert training and technical assistance services for the Wisconsin Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources for next five years

Slipstream is thrilled to continue providing training and technical assistance services for Wisconsin’s Home Energy Plus program, which is offered through the Department of Administration’s Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR). Slipstream has successfully delivered the Home Energy Plus program, which helps reduce the energy burden on income-qualified Wisconsin households, since 2003. 

Home Energy Plus provides relief to more than 200,000 families per year through three different offerings: energy bill pay assistance, weatherization services, and emergency furnace repair/replacement. We support the Home Energy Plus program through our on-site call center, fielding approximately 35,000 inquiries from residents in need each year.  We also provide ongoing technical training to weatherization agencies across the state, sharing our expertise with the contractors who go into people’s homes to make energy-saving upgrades and repairs. Additionally, Slipstream has developed and executed the annual Home Energy Plus Training Event, an interactive conference drawing approximately 400 contractors from across the state each year. 

We also support curriculum development and help train the staff who implement the energy bill pay assistance offering, known as Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP). Slipstream has trained more than 3,000 participants and led more than 125 training workshops. Our team also develops program marketing materials and manages the Home Energy Plus training and technical assistance website.

We look forward to five more fulfilling years of helping Wisconsin families in need!