Kyle Thomas
Kyle holds an associate degree in Solar Technology and Energy Management from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College located in Green Bay, WI and is a Certified Energy Manager through The Association of Energy Engineers. Kyle has since gained experience with national utility demand side management programs prior to working with the Focus on Energy program as a commercial energy advisor in northeast Wisconsin.
Kyle is currently an Outreach Manager for the Focus on Energy Business & Industry Solutions Program. As Outreach Manager, Kyle is responsible for providing management and leadership to a team of energy advisors, outreach specialists, and energy engineers who support the Focus on Energy Business and Industry program. He also provides energy advice, audits, and coordination for commercial customers, building owners, and Trade Allies to help identify energy efficiency opportunities and introduce the various prescriptive and custom incentive measures. Additionally, Kyle develops outreach plans with the Focus on Energy Program Manager to maximize the program's attainment of efficiency goals. He is accountable for ensuring complete customer satisfaction regarding energy efficiency inquiries through the Focus on Energy business programs.