IECC 2015 Lighting Systems for Large Commercial Buildings

IECC 2015 Lighting Systems for Large Commercial Buildings: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 | 10:30 AM - 12:00PM CT


Large commercial buildings are common in large urban areas, and while less common in suburban and rural areas, they have large per-building energy impacts. This 1 1/2-hour program will prepare contractors, design professionals and code enforcement officials to ensure their work results in buildings with better-than-average energy use intensities.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the IECC 2015 / WI SPS 363 code requirements for commercial lighting systems
  • Understand lighting power density calculations and how to determine if building and space types meet code limits
  • Understand how to do calculate exterior lighting power allowances
  • How to provide evidence of lighting functional testing

If requesting AIA credit, a corresponding ID number must be provided at registration.

CEU’s: 1.5 AIA, 1.5 ICC.